Although it pains me that my budget doesn’t allow me to buy up their entire stock, following Photobook Junkies on Threads is currently my favourite way to discover new/old photographers. For example, yesterday they mentioned Dominic Turner’s new collection False Friends and goodness me it looks beautiful. Scrolling through a selection of the images on Turner’s site, the closest comparison I can make is that episode of Twin Peaks season three; eery images seemingly floating to the surface of some oily darkness.
“Janet Halverson’s jacket for Jeffrey Frank’s The Creep is not violent. And it’s not exactly ugly. It’s just … pathetic. And weak. And awful – and I can’t look away. I also can’t bring myself to spend time with it. I find it so upsetting. It is … amazing.” – another cracking post from The Book Cover Review, Michael Russem on this weirdly brilliant 1968 design. More Halverson here.
Rather splendid collection of Godfrey Frankel’s New York street photography from 1947. This one image leapt out at me – I can’t quite put my finger on it, but the framing and composition of it is just perfect. Some kind of significance in all of that space around the couple; the light on the empty seat. You could spend the day drawing all sorts of fibonacci swirls and golden sections over it, but I’m happy to just let it be.
See now Midnight Marauder is someone who has an absolute mastery over empty space – here’s their poster for Ben Hecking’s HAAR, which premiered at the London Film Festival last week.
Went down a bit of a Lee Friedlander rabbit hole this week. The highlight has been discovering this lovely collection of intimate portraits of his wife Maria DePaoli, through sixty years of marriage.